• Machine Dealers
  • Machine Auctioneers
  • Manufacturers & Industry


  • 300
    machine sellers
  • 3500
    machine brands
  • 2750
    machine categories
  • 3000
    machine models
  • 100
    countries continents

Get More Leads

Move More Inventory

Access 1000s of Buyers

Listing your used machine inventory on Machinelista enables access to a global
marketplace across 6 continents. 70% of our users have approved budgets in hand
and are ready to buy. Our users are senior decision makers who are
engaged and in the market to ready to buy. Target personnel who have already
expressed intent and access 1000s of Mill Managers, Plant Managers, Farm
Owners, Project Managers, Technical Directors, Purchasing Managers, Industry
Consultants and VP’s of Manufacturing who are searching Machinelista every day.


North America – 41%

UK and Europe – 28%

Asia and Oceania – 21%

Rest of World – 10%


With our “no wall” instant click through to your website, users are able to access
you directly or in the case you don’t have a website advertising your inventory, we
provide the means with which interested parties can contact you as well. Listing
your inventory on Machinelista builds brand awareness, increases traffic to your
website and helps to optimize your search engine rankings.

Free Bulk Upload

Instant Site Click Throughs

Regular Inventory Updates

We bulk upload from your website, all the machine specifications and machine
photos you wish to list on Machinelista, free of charge.


Users can search our extensive database by industry, machine manufacturer,
machine category, machine model and location and then further refine that
search by filtering age and price.


Users can view an individual product page for each of your listings that provides
more specification detail as well as a maximum of 10 machines photos.
Alternatively, interested parties can click straight through to your website and
contact you directly.


Choose from our Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum monthly subscription packages or take advantage of our yearly discounted rates as well.


Direct links to seller Optimize search results

Boost your search engine presence by
listing your website inventory on Machine Lista


    We will contact you by email to advise you on pricing


      We will contact you by email to advise you on pricing